The family memorial service in Mylor SA on Friday, and the afternoon tea that followed, was just lovely. Sure, there were tears and heartache, but also wonderful conversations (both quiet and lively); hugs, handshakes, kisses and caresses; joy and laughter; amazing food and satisfying beverages; and a room full of people who love Sue and are intimately connected because of her. Believe it or not, I came away with a song in my heart and a deep gratitude for all things!

Sue made few requests, and fewer demands, regarding her 'funeral'. The most strident request was that people did not dress down in 'mourning black' (comfortable and stylish black was fine!) rather to dress normally. She then added, "If people want to wear something different, tell them to wear blue". Blue was her most recent favourite colour.

As you can see from the photo, we made a modest effort to accommodate her wish. Callum gets the prize for his Hawaiian print shirt I reckon. I suspect that these do not regularly feature in funeral/memorial services (except in Hawaii?) and even less often in autumn in the Adelaide Hills!


Other than the clothes, there was nothing 'blue' (depressing) about the day. We shared the grief of loss borne of the joy of loving. The capacity to love deeply and well is a precious gift from God to be celebrated and cherished.

We are back in Darwin now and taking a few moments for stop and 'smell the gerberas' (beautiful bright ones were in the church on Friday thanks to Sue's mum and sister) before sorting out what we are doing for the 'Life and Legacy' Celebration at outdoors at Marrara Christian College on Wednesday evening. I that same paradoxical way I have written of previously, we are quite looking forward to this further special time of celebration and thanksgiving, even though the context is not of our choosing.

Thank you all for your support, kind words, cards, practical helps and love. You are good people to have 'around'!

