Below is the text of the address given by Mitchell at the Darwin celebration on Wednesday. It is a lovely expression of his, Tessa's and Callum's reflections on the life and legacy of their mum. Says it all really. I was (and am) one very proud Dad.


Welcome friends, family, work mates, church mates, those knew Mum a long time and those who didn’t know her that much at all.

Welcome to all those whose lives were affected by Mum in one way or another.

If you were lucky enough to know her personally, you would have known a loving, serving person that would do anything for anyone if she could.

If you knew her personally, you would have known a quiet, unassuming woman with a heart so big you could see the love it held in everything she did.

If you never met Mum, and only knew her through relationships, whether that be through Dad, Tessa, Callum, myself, our spouses or her friends, you still met our mum.

You met her in the way she loved us, cared for us, encouraged us, and taught us.

If we ever laughed at life, you met Mum. If we ever dragged ourselves out of bed to do what needed to be done, you met Mum. If we ever cooked you a meal so good you could sing, you met Mum.

If we were ever grateful and humble in our work, our everyday sometimes tedious work, you met Mum.

If we were loyal, supporting and loving spouses, you met Mum.

If we ever danced around the kitchen without a care in the world, you met Mum.

If we ever stood tall, proud to be ourselves, if we were ever creative, if we were ever patient, if we ever went the extra mile, if we ever sacrificed ourselves for the benefit of others, you met Mum.

If we will ever have determined grace and faithfulness to see an illness to the end whether that be healing or meeting our Saviour Jesus you will have met our mum.

And though she is not here among us, she is still here among us. As we encourage each other to keep meeting Mum, we encourage you to do the same.
